Monday 8 October 2012

Star Wars Project: Archery, Prelude

Star Wars ®  © Lucas Films  /  Story © ZJO  EEA Media Co

Project: Archery (A)  working title: Omnikhan  Saga

Initial development date: 6/Oct/2006
Rework, Version2012a: 8 oct 2012

Scope of this Star Wars story:

The Clone Wars was an under used era of the Star Wars canon, it was a time of great conflict, gigantic clash of ideas and military hardware. Countless stories can be told, therefore the majority of this story took place during the Clone Wars era, which was the time between the 2nd prequel  movie Attack of the Clone and the duration of the 3rd Prequel movie: Revenge of the Sith.

This story centers on completely original characters, although characters from the Star Wars movie canon would appear in cameo or supportive roles if the plot see fit, it will not deal with the romance of Anakin Skywalker, but it will deal with intergalactic politics and the empire.

It is written with science fiction story style the writer favors rather than just science fantasy, hence real science, attempt to explain existing Star Wars science, in depth political and social commentaries, detail military and intelligence secret services (think Mi-6) action are to be incorporated into the story line. This is no clone wars animation series, this is dark, complex cultural and philosophical conflict of galaxy far, far away.

Catch line:

In the Star Wars saga, Anakin Skywalker was The Chosen One, prophesied by the prophesy of ‘the one that would bring balance to the force’. This prophesy has deep roots within the Jedi order, while Anakin turned out to be ‘the one’, there were others assumed to be the one discovered before Skywalker was found.

This is the story of the runner-up…

 (Jan 2014 version:)


'Master Dooku! I am sorry that I am late.'

'No at all, Master Toorani, I only just got here myself! Welcome back to Coruscant! How was your mission?'

'It went well, until I was confronted with a dozen trade federation vulture droids.'

'I take that you have blasted them all back to star dust, haven't you, my friend!?'

'Oh, not exactly all of them, after I got half a dozen, I had to run before more popped out from those big ships. Lucky for me, I've got a fighter with hyper drive. We need personal starships with better controls to dog fight with these droids in the future! I am going to submit a detailed report and recommendation for the next Jedi Star Fighter project.'

'You, my friend, always keen on your hobby of designing new star fighters! I would have wished you be helping me on political matters instead!'

'Politics now? That's too complex for me I am afraid.'

'Star fighter design has always been too complex for me. We ride across the stars on vessels the force has no control of on how they run! I would felt vulnerable whenever I come to realize that fact. It is a great relief to know a Jedi like you is on the board of supervisors in the Space Vehicle Safety Bureau.'

'Stop praising me on that front my friend. You are the master in handling diplomatic and settling disputes. You work saves lives of millions on planets. Every time I went out, I start conflicts. Oh, by the way, I heard something happened in the council meeting this morning. They have missed you since you resigned from the council. Do you mind tell me what happened?'

'I had the same old argument with the rest of the council. The council was unwilling to commit A Jedi force to settle the Naboo situation. You know as well as me, that waiting on a vote by the Republic Senate is a waste of time. Unfortunately, that was the final decision. We will have to wait for the Queen of Naboo to fly all the way here for a special Senate session. My old padawan Qui-Gon leads that mission and apparently he have just discovered a new Chosen One. The council has voted to see this boy..'

'Another Chosen One to be? Master Windu brought one around a year and a half ago didn't he?'

'Oh, yes! He did, I remember the name was Zyjin. An orphan of whom his not force sensitive parents were killed just before Master Windu rescued him…wait… I hoped my memories served me well, tell me Toorani, isn't that youngling having a nap down there Zyjin?'

'Oh! That IS him! You are always alert and you still have good eyes master Dooku! Let's go try the drink I brought back from my trip shall we?'

'Gladly my friend!'

Zyjin Omnikhan was indeed the boy the two Jedi masters were talking about. He was having a nap after a hard day of training at the sun tanned observation hall at the top of the Jedi temple. He lay on the rarely used but comfy public rest benches outside the turbo lift entry junction.

He was barely asleep when Master Dooku and Master Toorani ran into each other. He was lying on a low-resting couch that was difficult to be spotted unless any one walk onto the risen platform that lead to the lifts. It was the always alerted Master Dooku who first sensed his presence in the force.

The early parts of the conversation were loud and clear to Zyjin's ears as the two master Jedi wait for the lift. He had to rely on the force and he was beginning to gain control of to catch the final bits of the conversation before it was all cut off by the fast moving turbo lift.

'What do you know about this new chosen one?'

'A kid that apparently has no father. Qui-Gon said the mother just carried the boy out of the blue. Qui-Gon really thinks the lad was conceived by the force. Fits the prophecy.'
'Interesting! Zyjin was a stond-out as well! His parents weren't force sensitive at all. Yet he had the level of Midi-chlorian count rival Master Yoda.'

'I was told the Midi-chlorian count of this new boy surpasses Master Yoda. However, you and I know very well, the knowledge of the force can never be measured by Midi-chlorian numbers. The chosen one is to bring the balance to the force, hence to bring balance to the galaxy. Simply having a high Midi-chlorian count in the blood won't mean he would fix the problems of the politics and conflicts today.'

'Have you come up with any new ways to fix them?'

'As a matter fact, I might have! Toorani, you saved my life, you are my best friend. You will be the first Jedi to learn that I will be resigning from the Jedi order tonight. I have my resignation documents with me right now. You are welcome to convince me not to resign while we drink…'

Zyjin's eaves dropping on the conversation between the masters was eventually severed by the accelerated turbo lift. He was the second Jedi to learn Dooku's plans to resign. However, he was the most insignificant one at the time.

The area Zyjin slept in was favourite meeting spot for Jedis in the Temple, it had the view of the great planet skyline, something to see for whoever is there to wait. Zyjin pick the spot for its quietness at selected hours of the day.

Finally He fell asleep. He dreamt of many things, but every time the images of his parents and those he used to know surfaces, his conscious attempted to divert his attention, to break off from those dreams. He will try to focus on teachings from Master Yoda. The short green, three toed Grand Jedi Master. He has warned him, he should let go of those memories:
'Forget you must. Yourself free from your past, you must. Cloud your minds attachments will. Feelings stronger they are from the past, forget the harder you try. *' (* Yoda grammar, he speaks with a strange grammar,)

Zyjin had again returned to the date which he took the first lesson from Master Yoda. He was the oldest of his class. Not just a few months older, but a year older than the second oldest of his class. There was a heated debate in which the council decided to take Zyjin into the Jedi order. It was the vote of the man whom he later learned as Master Dooku that sealed his fate.

'Questions?' Yoda asked the gathering of kids in Zyjin's dream.

'What IS The Force? Master!' That was Zyjin's first question, a question that sparked shock and surprises among his fellow classmates.

Yoda looked around the younglings which sat in a semi circle before him. He acknowledged the surprised expressions of everyone but Zyjin.

'Wonderful question this is! Dumb, a question will never be! If you don't know, ask you must. Learn you must! Excel with the knowledge of the force, learning is the path! First step, asking is.' He paused so he would turn to face Zyjin to answer his question.
'Simply put it is! An energy field the Force is, binds the Galaxy together it does. Flows through all the living things it is. Life lives with the force.'

Yoda raises his short hand to stop Zyjin from asking his second question. After a short pause, he continued.

'How does the living use the force? You wanted to ask is it?' Yoda smile apparently he read Zyjin's mind. 'Answer your question, Nordiiny will.'

Yoda looked over to the girl right beside Zyjin. She was the second oldest of the class.
'Through the Midi-chlorian. The force communicates with us via the Midi-chlorians. We can order the force to help us once we master the techniques.' Nordiiny replies to everybody what she have learn from prior caretakers.

'Not order, request, more like. Free yourself, closer with the force you are, the stronger you are with the force. Bond with the force, how to, we are here to learn!' Yoda continues…


unedited version:


‘Master Dooku! Sorry, I am running late.’

‘No at all, Master Toorani, I just got here! Welcome back to Coruscant! How was your mission?’

‘It went well, until I was confronted with a dozen trade federation vulture droids.’

‘I take that you have blasted them all back to star dust, haven’t you, my friend!?’

‘Oh, not exactly all of them, after I got half a dozen, I had to run before more popped out from those big ships. Lucky for me, I've got a fighter with hyper drive. We need personal starships with better controls to dog fight with these droids in the future! I am going to submit a detailed report and recommendation for the next Jedi Star Fighter project.’

‘You, my friend always keen on your hobby of designing new star fighters! I would have wished you be helping me on political matters instead!’

‘Politics now? That’s too complex for me I am afraid.’

‘Star fighter design has always been too complex for me. We ride across the stars on vessels the force has no control of on how they run! I would felt vulnerable whenever I come to realize that fact. It is a great relief to know a Jedi like you are on the board of supervisors in the Space Vehicle Safety Bureau.’

‘Stop praising me on that front my friend. You are the master in handling diplomatic and settling disputes. You work save lives of millions on planets. While every time I went out, I start conflicts. Oh, by the way, I heard something happen in the council meeting this morning. They miss you since you resigned from the council. Mind tell me what happened?’

‘I had the same old argument with the rest of the council. The council was unwilling to commit A Jedi force to settle the Naboo situation. You know as well as me, waiting on a vote by the Republic Senate as it is, is a waste of time. Unfortunately, that was the final decision. We will have to wait for the Queen from Naboo to fly all the way here for a special Senate session. My old padawan Qui-Gon leads that mission and apparently he have just discovered a new chosen one. The council has voted to see this boy..’

‘Another chosen one to be? Master Windu brought one around a year and a half ago didn’t he?’

‘Oh, yes! He did, I remember the name was Zyjin. An orphan of whom his force insensitive parents were killed just before Master Windu rescued him…wait… I hoped my memories served me well, tell me Toorani, isn’t that youngling having a nap down there, is Zyjin?’

‘Oh! That’s him, you are always alert and you still have good eyes master Dooku! Let's go try the drink I brought back from my trip shall we?’

‘Gladly my friend!’

Zyjin Omnikhan is the boy the two Jedi masters were talking about. He was having a nap after a hard day of training at the sun tanned observation hall at the top of the Jedi temple. He lay on the rarely used but comfy public rest benches outside the turbo lift entry junction.

He was barely asleep when Master Dooku and Master Toorani ran into each other. Since he was lying on a low resting couch that was difficult to be spotted, until any one walk higher onto the platform lead to the lifts. It was the always alerted Master Dooku who first sensed his presences in the force.

The early parts of the conversation were loud and clear to Zyjin’s ears as the two master Jedi wait for the lift. He has to rely on the force he was beginning to gain control of to catch the final bits of the conversation before it was all cut off by the fast moving turbo lift.

‘What do you know about this new chosen one?’

‘A kid apparently has no father. Qui-Gon said the mother just carried the boy out of the blue. Qui-Gon really thinks the lad was conceived by the force. Fits the prophecy.’

‘Interesting! Zyjin was a stood out as well! His parents weren’t force sensitive at all. Yet he had the level of Midi-chlorian count rival Master Yoda.’

‘I was told the Midi-chlorian count of this new boy surpasses Master Yoda. However, you and I know very well, the knowledge of the force can never be measured by Midi-chlorian numbers. The chosen one is to bring the balance to the force, hence to bring balance to the galaxy. Simply had a high Midi-chlorian count in the blood won’t mean he would fix the problems of the politics and conflicts today.’

‘Have you come up with any new ways to fix them?’

‘As a matter fact, I might have! Toorani, you saved my life, you are my best friend. You will be the first Jedi to learn, I will be resigning from the Jedi order tonight. I have my resignation documents with me right now. You are welcome to convince me not to resign while we drink…’

Zyjin’s ear drop on the conversation between the masters was eventually sever by the accelerated turbo lift. He was the second Jedi to learn Dooku’s plans to resign. However, he was the most insignificant one at the time.

The area Zyjin sleeps was favorite meeting spot for Jedis in the Temple, it has the view of the great planet skyline, something to see for whoever is there to wait. Zyjin pick the spot for its quietness at selected hours of the day.

Finally He fell asleep. He dreamt off many things, but every time the images of his parents and those he used to know surfaces, his conscious attempted to divert his attention, to break off from those dreams. He will try to focus on teachings from Master Yoda. The shot green, three toed Grand Jedi Master. He has warned him, he should let go of those memories:

‘Forget you must. Yourself free from your past, you must. Cloud your minds attachments will. Feelings stronger they are from the past, forget the harder you try. *’  (* Yoda grammar, he speaks with a strange grammar,)

Zyjin has again, returned to the date which he took the first lesson from Master Yoda. He was the oldest of his class. Not just a few months older, but a year older than the second oldest of his class. There was heated debate which the council decided to take Zyjin into the Jedi order. It was the vote of the man whom he later learns as Master Dooku that sealed his fate.

‘Questions?’ Yoda asked the gathering of kids in Zyjin’s dream.

‘What IS The Force? Master!’ That was Zyjin’s first question, a question that sparked shock and surprises among his fellow classmates.

Yoda looked around the younglings sat in a semi circle before him. He acknowledged the surprised expressions of everyone but Zyjin.

‘Wonderful questions this is! Dumb, a question will never be! If you don’t know, ask you must. Learn you must! Excel with the knowledge of the force, learning is the path! First step, ask is.’ He paused so he would turn to face Zyjin to answer his question.

‘Simply put it! An energy field the Force is, binds the Galaxy together it does. Flows through all the living things it is. Life lives with the force.’

Yoda raises his short hand to stop Zyjin from asking his second question. After a short pause, he continued.

‘How does the living use the force? You wanted to ask is it?’ Yoda smile apparently he read Zyjin’s mind. ‘Answer your question, Nordiiny will.’

Yoda looked over to the girl right beside Zyjin. She was the second oldest of the class.

‘Through the Midi-chlorian. The force communicates with us via the Midi-chlorians. We can order the force to help us once we master the techniques.’ Nordiiny replies to everybody what she have learn from prior caretakers.

‘Not order, request, more like. Free yourself, closer with the force you are, the stronger you are with the force. Bond with the force, how to, we are here to learn!’ Yoda continues…
end Prelude

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