Monday 8 October 2012

Story Ideas 1: The Star Wars Project A Introduction

Working Title:                       The Star Wars Project A
Setting:                                   Star Wars Universe
Expected media formfactor:  Novel
Type:                                      Science Fiction / War / Action adventure (possible social commentary)
Maturity:                                Story frame work completed, firmed major character development

I credited the original Star Wars movie series for my love for science fiction.
Therefore, I have always had my own Star Wars plot, it began as a sequel to the original series, yet the large number of mediocre extended universe books had me turn all the ideas to be set in the clone war era instead.

By doing a clone war story, I would not only develop large scale war, none-stop action, I would patch up as many issues the prequels had in them as possible, plus through in social commentary and my version of Jedi / Sith Philosophy in the mix. If it ever gets done, it would be a Star Wars story with a lot more relevance to the modern world.

This story basically born out of: what if I write Anakin's tale. This story is a character centric tale where some one with abilities rival Anakin Skywalker struggle to retain his sanity, face hard choice of love and loyality and slowly descent to madness during the battle of the clone wars.

Plot introductory:

Story of the Runner up Chosen one.

A young Jedi Previously thought to be the chosen one, rescued and trained by Jedi order, has no choice but to join the Jedi's biggest fight ever: The Clone Wars.

As a Jedi intelligence service operative (AKA Mi-6), he has to face the enemy's fear some counter part in process of virtually unlimited resources. He was also assigned to protect a secret society formed by the Jedi order to protect those force sensitive beings who aren't qualified to be Jedi from the forces of the dark side!

Then he is put in charge of the defense of his home planet system turned in to vital resource the republic war effort, where he encounter the beautiful young Senator may be responsible for the death of his parents.

But it was his attempt to find out what happen to his parents would lead him to the biggest secret of them all: The true identity of Darth Sidious and his plan to weaken the Jedi Order!

Current plans for the story spans three volumes, with the first as introduction of the character and those around him, then the next volume is his love story and his struggle to NOT use the dark side to battle the dark side.

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