Wednesday 7 August 2013

Story Ideas 6: The Galactic Opera Series Triology

Working Title (codename): The Galactic Opera Series Trilogy (Romance of the Three Kingdoms in Space Trilogy)

Setting tagline: Earth, solar system, Galaxy, Space, planetary Colony

Expected media form factor: Novel Series, Movie, Multimedia Experiences.

Type: War / grand adventure / biopic / future human history

Maturity: Major Characters of many of the sub story plots developed, over all plot framework of one series completes, introduction written for one.

This project is a combination of Three Separate Epic Space Opera Series. However the all three can be traced to the famous Chinese Ming dynasty novel: Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It literarily began as a version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms in space for the first story of the Trilogy.

By Time line of initial development:
Solar Series  1993
Race Series  1997
Religion Series  2002

Solar Series (ideology):

It is called Solar Series because it took place only in our Solar System. It was about conflict of three politically divided fractions in a period of Earths future history where humans colonised the inner solar system planets. The three ideology  fractions are Neo Socialism of Planet Venus, Grand Capitalism of planet Earth and Militarism of Planet Mars. (Hence it can also be call the Ideology series)

Each fractions leaders believe they have the military might and political will to unite the people of the Solar system, hence war broke out between the three fractions.

This series was originally inspired by the famous Japanese novel Legends of the Galactic Heroes, but it draws heavily from Romance of the Three Kingdoms in character design also borrowed from Mobile Suit Gundam series in space colony and military setting.

One of the tragic event in the progression of the Earth bound human civilization to space colony world was developed in to a standalone movie story I labelled it ''Titanic in space''.

A sequel to the ideology series was scrapped for having too much resemblance to Legends of the Galactic Heroes in fraction setting.

Race Series

If the Solar series mark the creative process of mimicking famous prior works then Race Series is a natural progression in development of fresh ideas that has not been attempted before.

Started out as an excuse to use my own surname for the central character,  it grown from  the best elements already developed from the scrapped sequel to the Solar series in a totally different backdrop.  It evolved in to my first character driven plot that with an open ending.

It does carry loose continuity connection to the Solar series but the divided waring fraction in this time are based on the three major races of the human civilization: Caucasians, Asians and Africans.  

The world design still retain the Gundam like technology but on planetary scale. Battles still resemble closely with modern day war and world war two.

The main story focus on the reluctant younger son of a famous fleet commander in the Asian fraction where he must bear the weight of the family name and tradition to become as famous as his dad. Then he faces political infighting and on battlefield rivalry from allied culture such as Japan and Korea while battle the Caucasian forces.

The setting of the universe allow me to infuse political commentary of existing cultures and provide subjective and objective analyses to Asian, Caucasian and African cultures. It is way more complex than the political ideology set up in the Solar Series .

Religion Series

The bravest and most controversial of the three Galactic Epics, this plot draws no relation with the previous two what so ever. It bares much more western science fiction setup than Eastern culture stories for inspiration.

Just as the series title suggest this series' divided fractions are based on the major religion of the planet earth. The three fractions are: Christianity, Islam and multicultural Atheist.

Development began shortly after the war on terror period in early 2000s, it centres on three characters, two whom are moles sent to the religious fractions by the Atheist fraction that were once the unified galactic governing body of the human race across the galaxy.

Like the ideology series before it, each fraction believe they should be the dominant of the human race hence once again, wars of enormous scale ensures.

Unlike the previous two series where technology contain within the Gundam Robot as aircraft and tank, carrier task force, combine battle group framework in the last century. The technology in this universe has greater gap where each fraction, and they have unique weapons, strength and weakness.

Ultimately the plot was a self study of what damage it can cause with what I called 'human self-entric elevation': when a group of people believe their belief is the ultimate truth and everyone else should accept with no condition. Due to the controversial religious context, the difficulty of the research in both religions hinder plot development for the characters in the two religious cultures.


The three Galactic Epic has covered ideology politics, race and religion conflict of the human race, I believe I have done enough incarnations of Romance of the Three Kingdoms in space.

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