Monday 3 February 2014

Star Wars Project: Archery, Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The Covert Operations Department (COD) was unique in the republic arm forces.
Its predecessor, Jedi intelligence service was formed well before the clone wars. Since the first week of the Clone war, the intelligence service has been dramatically expanded.
Unlike the so called Republic intelligence service which was actually the intelligence service of the republic government as a whole, the COD was strictly a military / Jedi affair. The chancellor does not have direct access. Only Jedi and top ranking generals fighting the war has access. Information gathered here was filtered before passing onto the Republic or the army’s own Clone intelligence.

Under the commander of the department chief, the department was organized into three wings:
Information was the one closely working with Clone intelligences and other Republic services. It process and analyst data gathers from all sources in aid for its operations wing also the clone army.
Operation is the field operation front of the department. Usually operate in small task groups raised and custom pick for each mission. The operatives will strike out against CIS, especially targeting their military support services rather than their operational armies.
Research was the carried over of Jedi special workshop. The workshop was once nothing more than a gathering of like mind Jedi keen on making new technology inventions. The republic valued the advice from this workshop on equipment requirement, testing and design, made them the republic's once de facto vehicle safety consulting board. It has now transformed into top secret military research department for the Jedi and the clone army.

Commanders for this department were mainly Jedi and Jedi masters. Its first department chief was Master Windu. He had no choice but to surrender his position as the war heated up. He was needed in the front. The next and current chief was Master Geleensarik, the former chief of Research, a jedi of Arkanian origin. She was known for her ability in the field of science just as Master Toorani, though her specialty was the field of genetics rather than mechanics. She was put in charge to enhance the clones soon after the first battle of the clone wars. All the clones assigned to the COD, were enhanced by Geleensarik one way or another, and therefore made them more unique than standard clones in almost every way.

The current head of Operation is Master Toorani, he was also the chief advisor in weapons research. The current chief for Information is Mr Zor, a Chiss. Characterized by his bluish skin and glowing blood red eye balls, he was personally appointed to the post by Mace Windu. He was a mystery to the Jedi circle until his appointment. So far, Mr Zor has been performing his duty with remarkable efficiency and success. He also built an excellent working relationship with various republic intelligent departments.


Master Toorani and Master Geleensarik along with Mr Zor were sitting in front of a holographic projection round table, when Zyjin walked in to reported to him there after he got Torrani’s call.

The room was dim and the air was tense. Zyjin stopped and stood a step in front of the door.

‘Please. Come in and sit down.’ Toorani ordered. ‘From this moment on, you are part of the inner circle.’

‘I… I am honored.’ Zyjin sat down next to Toorani. The room was lack of room lights, the only brightest light source was the holo projector. Then, the red slits of Mr Zor’s eyes was pretty disturbing in the dark at the other end of the table. 

‘Let’s get down to business, shall we.’ Toorani continued. His punched a couple of keys on the control and a message and a set coordinates was displayed. ‘This is what Zyjin have brought back from his visit to the beacon. We can assume the coordinates are the next rally point of some sort for a shipment of droids. The only words in this message were: Droids, Trap?
Toorani paused, so his audience can see for themselves. ‘Any thoughts?’

‘Obviously this is a trap. Are you going to spring it head on? Master Toorani.’ Mr Zor commented.

‘We don’t have to go. But it is obvious, there may be benefit in the success of this operation. If I am not mistaken, Master Kenobi’s troops has engaged the separatists in the nearby sector. These reinforcements intended to make Kenobi’s enemies. ’ Toorani calmly explain.

‘We are a convert operations task force, not a fleet or a division. If this is a trap, what await us would be a fleet of CIS cruisers. We need the clone army on our backup, but Master Windu has informed me, the clones are stretched thin, even we have enough clones, there aren’t enough destroyers to fill them a fleet either.’ Master Geleensarik finally spoken.

‘So we let this one go and let the CIS reinforcements to attack Kenobi?’ Toorani was the one still decided on an attack.

‘We don’t have the fire power.’ Geleensarik objects.

‘We can still fly recon for Kenobi.’ Zyjin added in before Mr Zor could open his mouth.

‘Kid, are you going to take on the CIS cruisers all by yourself?’ Mr Zor reacted to the possibility. ‘I bet even Skywalker would have second thoughts on such dare.’

‘He is not that crazy, yet! We can warn the crazy duo Kenobi and Skywalker on what they would be expecting and lend a helping hand if possible.’ Toorani agree to Zyjin’s suggestion.

‘I hope you have enough practices taking on fully activated droids, young apprentice!’ Geleensarik knew Toorani will not stop unless he gets his way once he made up his mind. ‘I will grand you the green light for a small team recon operation. Men power limit is two dozen commandos. No more than six ships.’

‘Is my Dark Sunshine ready?’ Toorani ask Geleensarik.

‘The cloaking prototype? Mr Zor raised his eyebrows, his reddish glow enlarged, making them look more menacing in the dark.

Zyjin was surprised, his master did not reveal to him the existence of the ship until now.

Toorani punched a key, the hologram of the cloaking vessel was on display. It was ugly. It has a dome shaped forward resemble the TIE fighters to be used by the future empire. A body connect to three circular shaped wings with sphere shaped panels perpendicularly placed at the edge similar to what the TIE fighters would have, then a tail section with a dozen long tentacles extending well back, shielding the ion engines in the center line. Over all it resembled an Earth Octopuses.

‘That is one of the ugliest starship to come across my eyes for a long time.’ It was Mr Zor’s first impression the design. So does Zyjin.

‘It has the ability to mimic a ship three times its size. It would also cloak, but the catch was, it will not be able to move with the sub light engines under cloak. Meaning it would have to move with the momentum of inertia once at cloak.’ Toorani filled in the details.

‘Interesting, maybe I will come along this time. Can I go?’ Mr Zor turn towards Geleensarik, his red eyes caught by her sight.

‘You know as well as I do, your importance in your post…’ Geleensarik was cutted off by Zor.

‘In that case, I am requesting a vacation. Even droids can take an oil bath, I had to take some leave after working nonstop for three months.’

‘… All right! Master Toorani, keep him out of trouble and bring him back in one piece along with yourself and your apprentice plus my clones.’

‘Roger! Roger!’ Toorani acknowledged by mimicking CIS battle droids half heartily.  

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